The Congress for New Urbanism is a collection of urban designers, architects, planners, developers and engineers who stand for the restoration of existing urban centers and towns, the reconfiguration of sprawling suburbs into communities of real neighborhoods and diverse districts, the conservation of natural environments, and the preservation of our built legacy.
The 2018 CNU’s conference will be held in Savannah from May 16-May 19. Each year, CNU initiates Legacy Projects in the Congress’ host city to empower local leaders, advocates, and residents to implement New Urbanist principles and build places where people and businesses can thrive and prosper.
On March 1-5, 2018, the CNU will host two teams of national urban design experts to lead public design workshops in two locations in the city, acting in partnership with local leaders and advocates for East Savannah and Southside. Each Legacy Project culminates in an intensive, three-day workshop on site to explore opportunities, identify crucial roadblocks, engage residents and local stakeholders to share their vision for future growth and help generate top-of-the-line design and placemaking strategies. The East Savannah and Southside Legacy Projects were chosen by CNU based on their need, community support, and readiness to implement.
For the East Savannah Legacy Project, Savannah-based Brown Design Studio will support residents efforts to protect historic resources and community character in the face of mounting development pressures, as well as articulating a shared design vision and strategy for the community. The workshop will be held at the WW Law Center, 909 East Bolton Street, March 2-5, 6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.
For the Southside Suburban Retrofit, the City, local residents, and community stakeholders will partner with national firm David M. Schwarz Architects to create a long-term vision to establish a vibrant, sustainable, mixed-use and walkable hub on the City’s Southside, with opportunities for education, housing, jobs, entertainment, and access to multiple modes of transportation. The location for this Legacy Project workshop is the GSU University Hall 157, 11935 Abercorn Street, on March 2-5, 6:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M.
At the end of each workshop, project representatives will discuss how the community’s visions and goals will translate into recommendations, goals, and results moving forward. CNU will publish the findings and distribute them at the Congress in May.
This is an opportunity for residents to create development strategies with world class urban designers tailored to be submitted and acted upon by regional governments. CNU encourages both stakeholders, residents, advocates and city leaders to contribute to this workshop.
For more information about the CNU 26.Savannah, the national place making conference coming May 15-19, 2018 to Savannah, visit
East Savannah Legacy Project
WHAT: Publicly engaged design meeting to address historic resource protection and community character in East Savannah
WHERE: WW Law Center, 909 East Bolton Street
WHEN: March 2-5, 6:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M.
WHO: Thadani Architect + Urbanist and Brown Design Studio
Southside Legacy Project
WHAT: Publicly engaged design meeting to address the need for mixed-use and walkability in a suburban location in Southside.
WHERE: GSU University Hall 157, 11935 Abercorn Street
WHEN: March 2-5, 6:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M.
WHO: David M. Schwarz Architects and Thomas & Hutton Engineers
CONTACT: Lisa Schamess, Congress for the New Urbanism,, 312.551.7300, ext 702
CONTACT: Bridget Lidy, City of Savannah,